Aetheric Core


Upgrade Structure

Upgrade your Aetheric Core to a higher rank. Spell pages per Consignment transaction are increased.

Research: Multicolor Initiate

Unlocks the ability to play two-color decks.

Build Individual Lands

Reduces the number of Spell Pages required to rank up your Spells.

Aetheric Core is a Workstation within your Personal Realm in Magic Legends. The workstations within your Personal Realm are the different areas where you can run certain projects to produce upgrades. Once a player unlocks their Realm, they will steadily gain access to several workstations, running projects requires a cost of a resource called “Planar Mana”.


Serves as the primary workstation to the player's Realm. The Aetheric Core upgrades the rest of the workstations, allowing more advanced buildings and resource generation.


Aetheric Core Information

  • This is the first workstation that you unlock when you arrive at your Personal Realm and after speaking to Ral Zarek upon completing the mission, Seed of Hope.
  • The core structure of your realm allowing more advanced buildings and the creation of lands.
  • The Aetheric Core will "Build Lands" which allows for new Spells to be unlocked in the world. Unlock Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain, and Forest.
  • Upgrading the base structure of the Aetheric Core increases the number of Spell Pages you acquire by purchasing it from the Consignment Broker.
  • Unlocking the "Research Multicolor Initiate" Unlocks the ability to play two-color decks.

Mana Rig Event

  • A Mana Rig Mayhem Event was held last April 2021 where players will need to collect 14 Mana Rig Signets and visit the Aetheric Core in your Realm to unlock the Unstable Beam spell, 2 Unstable Beam Spell Infuser packs, 100,000 Gold, and 150,000 Unrefined Aether.

Event: Latent Shadows

  • An Event was held last May 2021 where players will need to collect 14 Stolen Artifact and visit the Aetheric Core in your Realm to unlock the Corrosive Salvo spell, 2 Corrosive Salvo Spell Infuser packs, 100,000 Gold, and 150,000 Unrefined Aether.

Aetheric Core Upgrades

Listed below are the following upgrades that can be unlocked for the Aetheric Core:

LvL Upgrade Cost Requirements Unlocked Upgrades/Effects
LvL 1 Builds Lands Lv. 1 N/A Continue story to unlock Allows for new Spells to be unlocked in the world. Unlock Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain, and Forest.
LvL 2 Build Lands Lv. 2 1500 Gold
300 Planar Mana
Continue story to unlock Reduces the number of Spell Pages required to rank up Spells from Rank 1 to Rank 2 by 75%.
LvL 2 Research: Multicolor Initiate N/A Continue story to unlock Unlocks the ability to play two-color decks.
LvL 3 Build Lands Lv. 3 2000 Gold
600 Planar Mana
Aetheric Core LvL 3 Reduces the number of Spell Pages required to rank up Spells of one color from Rank 2 to Rank 3 by 75%.
LvL 4 Build Lands Lv. 4 12500 Gold
1500 Planar Mana
Mystical Study LvL 3
Arcane Workshop LvL 3
Mana Vault LvL 3
Spell pages per consignment transaction increases from 36 to 48
LvL 5 Build Lands Lv. 5 25000 Gold
2500 Planar Mana
Mystical Study LvL 4
Arcane Workshop LvL 4
Mana Vault LvL 4
Lands LvL 3
Spell pages per consignment transaction increases from 48 to 72
LvL 6 Build Lands Lv. 6 37500 Gold
5000 Planar Mana
Mystical Study LvL 5
Arcane Workshop LvL 5
Mana Vault LvL 5
Lands LvL 4
Spell pages per consignment transaction increases from 72 to 96
LvL 7 Build Lands Lv. 7 75000 Gold
7500 Planar Mana
300 Chromatic Mana
Mystical Study LvL 6
Arcane Workshop LvL 6
Mana Vault LvL 6
Prophetic Quill LvL 6
Spell pages per consignment transaction increases from 96 to 120, Prophetic Quill
LvL 8 Build Lands Lv. 8 125000 Gold
3250 Planar Mana
225 Chromatic Mana
Mystical Study LvL 7
Arcane Workshop LvL 7
Mana Vault LvL 7
Prophetic Quill LvL 7
Lands LvL 6
Spell pages per consignment transaction increases from 120 to 144
LvL 9 Build Lands Lv. 9 20000 Gold
4150 Mana
300 Chromatic Mana
Mystical Study LvL 8
Arcane Workshop LvL 8
Mana Vault LvL 8
Prophetic Quill LvL 8
Lands LvL 7
Spell pages per consignment transaction increases from 144 to 192
LvL 10 Build Lands Lv. 10 300000 Gold
4150 Planar Mana
375 Chromatic Mana
Mystical Study LvL 9
Arcane Workshop LvL 9
Mana Vault LvL 9
Prophetic Quill LvL 9
Lands LvL 8
Spell pages per consignment transaction increases from 192 to 240


Aetheric Core Notes & Tips

  • ???
  • Other, notes, tips, and trivia.




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