Ancestral Ward |
Enchantment For 30 seconds, you have 50% Reflect. (Deal a percentage of incoming damage back to attackers, up to an amount equal to your maximum health.) |
Common Enchantment |
Ancestral Ward is a Spell or Enchantment Spell Card in Magic Legends. Ancestral Ward is an Enchantment spell card, and Magic Legends features different spells or magic that are used in battle to execute powerful attacks and conjure a variety of buffs and effects. All cards are grouped into a color system consisting of five colors: white, blue, black, red, and green where players get to mix and build a deck consisting of 12 cards of up to two different colors.
She prayed to the ancestors of her family, and their spirits responded in force.
Ancestral Ward Information
Ancestral Ward Acquisition
- Can drop randomly from enemies
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Ancestral Ward Notes & Tips
- Does NOT reflect Damage Over Time effects
- ??
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