Lesser Vulnerability

Stat Type Spell Mechanic
Effect Increases received damage

Lesser Vulnerability in Magic Legends is a Spell Mechanic. Spell Mechanics are the keyword abilities that are incorporated into some Spells. Some mechanics are passive abilities and others allow players to spend mana to gain additional effects.


Vulnerability increases incoming damage


Lesser Vulnerability Information

  • Lesser Vulnerability is an effect that increases the damage received.
  • This effect is usually applied to enemies but is accompanied by another damaging ability that also affects them. 
  • A related mechanic would be Greater Vulnerability that can affect both enemies and the cardholder with the effect and has a greater effectiveness
  • This mechanic is usually found in Black Spells.


Lesser Vulnerability Related Spell Cards

Green Spells

  • N/A

Red Spells

  • N/A

Blue Spells

  • N/A

White Spells

  • N/A

Black Spells


Lesser Vulnerability Notes & Tips

  • ??
  • Other notes, tips, and trivia



Magic Legends Spells Mechanics
Disorient  ♦  Greater Haste  ♦  Greater Mana Regeneration  ♦  Greater Might  ♦  Greater Resistance  ♦  Greater Slow  ♦  Greater Snare  ♦  Greater Swiftness  ♦  Greater Vulnerability  ♦  Greater Weakness  ♦  Hexproof  ♦  Kicker  ♦  Lesser Mana Regeneration  ♦  Lesser Resistance  ♦  Lesser Snare  ♦  Lesser Swiftness  ♦  Lesser Weakness  ♦  Lifelink  ♦  Piercing  ♦  Reflect  ♦  Regenerate  ♦  Retaliate  ♦  Root  ♦  Sacrifice  ♦  Stun  ♦  Summon X  ♦  Taunt  ♦  Trample  ♦  Transform

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