Lightshield Barrier



For 8.0 seconds, your creature with the strongest toughness takes no damage.

When this spell ends, it deals damage to foes equal to 50% of the damage that your creature would have taken.

sorcery-magic-legends-wiki-guide Rare Sorcery

Lightshield Barrier is a Spell or Sorcery Spell Card in Magic Legends. Lightshield Barrier is a Sorcery sorcery spell card, and Magic Legends features different spells or magic that are used in battle to execute powerful attacks and conjure a variety of buffs and effects. All cards are grouped into a color system consisting of five colors: white, blue, black, red, and green where players get to mix and build a deck consisting of 12 cards of up to two different colors.


The shieldmages of Gobokhan learned their magic to protect from diamondstorms, but they are by no means the only wizards who understand how to summon barriers.


Lightshield Barrier Information

  • Card Color: White
  • Max Rank: 10
  • Spell Pages Needed For Max Rank: ??
  • Mana Cost: white-mana-icon-magic-legends-wiki-guide-20pxwhite-mana-icon-magic-legends-wiki-guide-20px
  • Rarity: Rare





Lightshield Barrier Acquisition



Lightshield Barrier Notes & Tips

  • ??
  • ??



Magic Legends Sorcery Spells
Abyssal Flame  ♦  Altruism  ♦  Amalgamate  ♦  Animalistic Fury  ♦  Annihilation  ♦  Aura of Salvation  ♦  Banishment  ♦  Bathe in Dragonfire  ♦  Bloom of Life  ♦  Burning Rage  ♦  Butcher  ♦  Chain the Wicked  ♦  Char  ♦  Choking Overgrowth  ♦  Chronosphere  ♦  Cloak of Seeds  ♦  Concentrate  ♦  Convocation of Angels  ♦  Creeping Plague  ♦  Damnable Pact  ♦  Dark Gamble  ♦  Desecrate  ♦  Divine Wrath  ♦  Dominate  ♦  Earth Spike  ♦  Earthquake  ♦  Elemental Shatter  ♦  Elven Assailment  ♦  Fatal Frenzy  ♦  Fire Dance  ♦  Fog  ♦  Frost Armor  ♦  Giant Growth  ♦  Gift Of Reincarnation  ♦  Glint  ♦  Goblin Bombardment  ♦  Grim Revival  ♦  Healing Recall  ♦  Heavenly Assault  ♦  Hunt of the Apex  ♦  Icicle  ♦  Icy River  ♦  Impale  ♦  Infest  ♦  Interrogate  ♦  Invigorating Boon  ♦  Judgment  ♦  Lava Vortex  ♦  Leech Outbreak  ♦  Lightning Strike  ♦  Magma Burst  ♦  Magnetic Pulse  ♦  Mass Manipulation  ♦  Mighty Bellow  ♦  Mistform  ♦  Molten Shell  ♦  Nourish  ♦  Parasitic Infection  ♦  Phalanx Charge  ♦  Phantasmagoria  ♦  Psionic Shatter  ♦  Pyroclasm  ♦  Radiant Shield  ♦  Radiant Volley  ♦  Rampage  ♦  Rampant Growth  ♦  Rebellion  ♦  Refreshing Glade  ♦  Revenge  ♦  Seismic Grasp  ♦  Shadow Barrage  ♦  Shock  ♦  Slag Strike  ♦  Sleep  ♦  Spirit Offering  ♦  Stampede  ♦  Telestrike  ♦  Tidal Wave  ♦  Time Unravel  ♦  Tolarian Winds  ♦  Tornado  ♦  Unearth  ♦  Unholy Boon  ♦  Unstable Beam  ♦  Unwavering Passage  ♦  Vicious Hunger  ♦  Victory or Death  ♦  Wailing Souls  ♦  Zealous Charge

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