Mana Surge |
[img] | |
Class | All |
Required LVL | 3 |
Gain 3 mana over 6 seconds, then draw a spell. |
Mana Surge in Magic Legends is a Class Perk. Mana Surge is a perk that is available to all Planeswalkers. Class Perks are passive boosts of the various Classes of the game. Each perk is unique and resonates specifically with a class, and unlocking a perk further enhances the stats of the character and boosts the effects of its abilities.
Press R to activate Mana Surge
Mana Surge Description
- Gain 3 mana over 6 seconds, then draw a spell.
Mana Surge Information
- Class: Any
- Mana Surge can be unlocked upon reaching 3 of the Necromancer, Sanctifier, Beastcaller, Geomancer, Mind Mage, and Dimir Assassin class.
Mana Surge Notes & Tips
- ??
- Other notes, tips, and trivia go here.
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