Red Sorceries in Magic Legends is a type of sorcery spell/card. Red Sorceries resonate with the Red Mana and the Geomancer planeswalker, but it can still be equipped to the deck by other Planeswalkers. With the use of a sorcery card, you can conjure spells such as calling forth a dragon that engulfs your foes in flames, heal yourself, your allies, as well as any summoned Creatures or control the minds of your enemies that are on the battlefield. This page covers a list of all the Red Sorcery Cards in Magic: Legends.


Magic Legends All Red Sorceries




Mana Cost

Max Rank

Spell Pages Requirements







Lava Vortex Red three-mana-cost-icon-magic-legends-wiki-guide-20pxred-mana-icon-magic-legends-wiki-guide-20pxred-mana-icon-magic-legends-wiki-guide-20px  ?? ??   - 10 70 Circle Uncommon An AoE spell that conjures a vortex of lava that pulls in enemies and continuously damages caught within the pool of lava.
Slag Strike Red red-mana-icon-magic-legends-wiki-guide-20px ?? ??  - Instant 10 Single Common Sends the caster flying forward in a straight line and executes a strong punch that knocks back and damages enemies.
Char Red one-mana-cost-icon-magic-legends-wiki-guide-20pxred-mana-icon-magic-legends-wiki-guide-20pxred-mana-icon-magic-legends-wiki-guide-20pxred-mana-icon-magic-legends-wiki-guide-20px  ?? ??   ??  ??  ?? ?? Uncommon A close-range spell that shoots a fast pulse of magma which pushes the caster back and knocks back, damages enemies.
Seismic Grasp Red red-mana-icon-magic-legends-wiki-guide-20pxred-mana-icon-magic-legends-wiki-guide-20px  ?? ?? - Instant 35 Cone Uncommon The user stomps onto the ground that calls out rocks on the ground that launches enemies to the air and towards the caster.
Earth Spike Red one-mana-cost-icon-magic-legends-wiki-guide-20pxred-mana-icon-magic-legends-wiki-guide-20pxred-mana-icon-magic-legends-wiki-guide-20pxred-mana-icon-magic-legends-wiki-guide-20px ?? ??  -  Instant 40 Line Common An AoE spell that summons spikes from the ground that damages and launches enemies into the air.
Pyroclasm Red one-mana-cost-icon-magic-legends-wiki-guide-20pxred-mana-icon-magic-legends-wiki-guide-20pxred-mana-icon-magic-legends-wiki-guide-20pxred-mana-icon-magic-legends-wiki-guide-20px  ??  ??  ??  ??  ??  ?? Common Stores energy that draws in nearby enemies and releases a blast that knocks back and inflicts damage.
Magma Burst Red five-mana-cost-icon-magic-legends-wiki-guide-20pxred-mana-icon-magic-legends-wiki-guide-20px  ?? ??  ??   ??  ??  ?? Common Conjures a burst of energy that creates a shockwave that sends out magma and stones towards enemies.
Bathe in Dragonfire Red five-mana-cost-icon-magic-legends-wiki-guide-20pxred-mana-icon-magic-legends-wiki-guide-20pxred-mana-icon-magic-legends-wiki-guide-20pxred-mana-icon-magic-legends-wiki-guide-20px ?? ?? - 50 Line Rare  Deal x damage to foes in a line, then create a hazard that deals an additional x damage over 5 seconds.

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