
Stat Type Spell Mechanic
Effect Full health Regeneration

Regenerate in Magic Legends is a Spell Mechanic. Spells Mechanics are the keyword abilities that are incorporated into some Spells. Some mechanics are passive abilities and others allow players to spend mana to gain additional effects.


 If this creature would be destroyed, it instead heals to full and loses this effect. 

Regenerate Information

  • Regenerate is the ability that allows a one-time full health regeneration upon the death of a creature. 
  • This ability is used like one extra life. Once the ability is used, it cannot be reused. 
  • This mechanic is found in Green Spells and Blue Spells


Regenerate Related Spell Cards

Green Spells

Red Spells

  • N/A

Blue Spells

White Spells

  • N/A

Black Spells

  • N/A

Regenerate Notes & Tips

  • Old Regeneration descriptions: (The next time this creature would be destroyed this turn, it isn't. Instead tap it, remove all damage from it, and remove it from combat.)


Magic Legends Spell Mechanics
Disorient  ♦  Greater Haste  ♦  Greater Mana Regeneration  ♦  Greater Might  ♦  Greater Resistance  ♦  Greater Slow  ♦  Greater Snare  ♦  Greater Swiftness  ♦  Greater Vulnerability  ♦  Greater Weakness  ♦  Hexproof  ♦  Kicker  ♦  Lesser Mana Regeneration  ♦  Lesser Resistance  ♦  Lesser Snare  ♦  Lesser Swiftness  ♦  Lesser Vulnerability  ♦  Lesser Weakness  ♦  Lifelink  ♦  Piercing  ♦  Reflect  ♦  Retaliate  ♦  Root  ♦  Sacrifice  ♦  Stun  ♦  Summon X  ♦  Taunt  ♦  Trample  ♦  Transform

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