Spell Pages in Magic Legends is a crafting material that is used to upgrade your Spells. Each spell requires a certain number of Spell Pages and Aether for it to be ranked up, increasing the stats and effects of the spell. Some important things to remember when you are handling spell pages, (1) You cannot buy new, single spells from the Broker (Merchant), you can only buy pages to upgrade a spell you have already unlocked, (2) Spell pages bought/sold via the broker must be transacted in stacks of 12, and (3) The gold buy/sell price shown in the Broker reflects the stack price, not an individual page price. This page covers a list of all the Spell Pages in Magic: Legends.



Magic Legends Spell Pages

Click on the header to sort the table. 

Name & Icon Effect
Cloak of Seeds (Spell Page)
Spell Page used to upgrade the spell, Cloak of Seeds.
Amalgamate (Spell Page)
Spell Page used to upgrade the spell, Amalgamate.
Galvanized Dreadnaught (Spell Page)
Spell Page used to upgrade the spell, Galvanized Dreadnaught.
Shadow Barrage (Spell Page)
Spell Page used to upgrade the spell, Shadow Barrage.
Nightveil Stalker (Spell Page)
Spell Page used to upgrade the spell, Nightveil Stalker.
Goblin Bombardment (Spell Page)
Spell Page used to upgrade the spell, Goblin Bombardment.
Muse Drake (Spell Page)
Spell Page used to upgrade the spell, Muse Drake.
Guardian Spirit (Spell Page)
Spell Page used to upgrade the spell, Guardian Spirit.
Invigorating Boon (Spell Page)
Spell Page used to upgrade the spell, Invigorating Boon.
Water Elemental (Spell Page)
Spell Page used to upgrade the spell, Water Elemental.
Choking Overgrowth (Spell Page)
Spell Page used to upgrade the spell, Choking Overgrowth.
Lightshield Barrier (Spell Page)
Spell Page used to upgrade the spell, Lightshield Barrier.
Fiendslayer Paladin (Spell Page)
Spell Page used to upgrade the spell, Fiendslayer Paladin.
Dread Overseer (Spell Page)
Spell Page used to upgrade the spell, Dread Overseer.
Sleep (Spell Page)
Spell Page used to upgrade the spell, Sleep.
Earth Elemental (Spell Page)
Spell Page used to upgrade the spell, Earth Elemental.
Fire Dance (Spell Page)
Spell Page used to upgrade the spell, Fire Dance.
Chainwarden (Spell Page)
Spell Page used to upgrade the spell, Chainwarden.
Tolarian Winds (Spell Page)
Spell Page used to upgrade the spell, Tolarian Winds.
Unearth (Spell Page)
Spell Page used to upgrade the spell, Unearth.
Wailing Souls (Spell Page)
Spell Page used to upgrade the spell, Wailing Souls.

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