Controls for Magic Legends consists of an overview of the game's mechanism and its corresponding action for each platform. Listed below are the details for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
Magic Legends Controls
Xbox Controls
PC Keyboard
PS4 Controls
Action |
Keyboard and Mouse |
Move Forward | W |
Move Left | A |
Move Backward | S |
Move Right | D |
Primary Ability | Left Mouse Button |
Interact | F |
Rotate Camera | Right Mouse Button |
Toggle Advanced Spell Hand | CTRL + H |
Secondary Ability | Q |
Utility Ability | E |
Mana Surge Mode | R |
Spark Power | SPACE |
Set Summon Target | T |
Spell 1 | 1 |
Spell 2 | 2 |
Spell 3 | 3 |
Spell 4 | 4 |
Toggle Overlay Map | M |
Zoom Map Out | PAGE UP |
Zoom Map In | PAGE DOWN |
Open In-Game Menu | TAB or F1 |
PlayStation4 Controls Information Go Here
- Anonymous
I can look around but it's very sensitive. I use a Logitech m580 Trackball mouse. I cannot find a way to look up & down. And I have to reset my tracking speed to the slowest possible setting.
- Anonymous
Can only use skills while holding control... what kind of trash is this...
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can I move using the right mouse click instead of the left one?