Combat for Magic Legends focuses on the basic and advanced combat mechanics of the game. Each class in the game has its unique style of combat and associated actions that you can execute. This page covers information regarding combat in general and also individual mechanics for each class.


Combat in Magic Legends

Basic Combat

Magic Legends is a game that heavily focuses on spell casting and summons by using its Spell Cards system. Apart from this, each class will have its own unique set of Basic Combat movements. These movements are categorized into three types, a Standard Combat Attack consists of basic attacks, a Special Combat Attack is a unique attack, while a Mobility Combat Movement allows a class to execute a tactical escape or mobility move.


Planeswalker Class Abilities

There are five classes of planeswalkers to choose from. They determine the initial set of combat skills a player begins within a game and do not have a mana cost. Each planeswalker has a set of primary, secondary, and Utility abilities and their own set of Class Perks. They can be combined with any combination of cards, equipment, and artifacts available and can be changed at any point in the game. 


  • icon_geomancer_primary PrimaryMagma Fist: Pummel foes with mighty strikes from your magma encased fists.
  • icon_geomancer_secondary Secondary - Volcanic Fury: Blast enemies with stone to damage and knockback enemies.
  • icon_geomancer_utility Utility - Furious Leap: Leap forward and slam the ground, causing moderate AoE damage.

Mind Mage

  • icon_mindmage_primary PrimaryMindlash: Blast enemies in front of you with a barrage of energy orbs.
  • icon_mindmage_secondary SecondaryConfound: Deal damage to foes in a cone in front of you. Confuse a random foe that was not killed in this way for 6 seconds, then Stun the rest for 3 seconds.
  • icon_mindmage_utility Utility - Illusory Escape: Taunt foes with an illusion of yourself and gain increased movement speed.


  • icon_beastcaller_primary  Primary - Wind Slash: Cleave nearby foes with your aether axe.
  • icon_beastcaller_secondary Secondary -  Rending Throw: Hurl an axe to damage and mark foes in front of you.
  • icon_beastcaller_utility Utility - Wild Roar: Heal yourself and your Companion instantly plus an additional amount over 6 seconds, and teleport it to your location.


  • icon_sanctifier_primary Primary - Divine Bolt: Fire piercing bolts of holy energy at distant enemies.
  • icon_sanctifier_secondary Secondary - Wave of Radiance: Create a wave of holy energy, dealing damage to enemies caught in the wake.
  • icon_sanctifier_utility Utility - Salvation: Gain a Devotion counter, you and creatures you control are healed. 




Mana is a required resource in order to be able to deal spells in combat. Each magic spell varies in mana cost and power. Strategically, this would mean the most powerful spells are not the best for repeated use during combat, as they have a higher cost and would limit the total amount of spells a player can use.

The mana meter is the bottom-most bar that will be coloured or split according to the cards in use. There are five colours in the Magic Card deck, and the mana is divided among them with up to twelve mana in total. They can be classified according to their colour such as black mana and green mana depending on the card. The split is predetermined depending on the selection and the amount of mana a card may require. 

There are five classes of mana colors that correspond to their powers and planeswalker class type.

  • White: Healing, Control, Protection, Retribution.
  • Blue: Control, Efficiency, Manipulation, Defensive Creatures.
  • Green: Healing, Mana Ramping, Buffing Creatures, Strong Creatures.
  • Red: Damage, Aggression, Offensive Creatures, Enter the Battlefield Effects.
  • Black: Life Drain, Raising the Dead, Sacrifice for Gain, Single Target Damage.

Mana regenerates on its own over time, but can be assisted with the different armour parts and accessories that contain a mana regeneration perk upon use. Some Magic Cards specifically contain the effect to temporarily provide a Greater Mana Regeneration as well or the option to spend more mana for an additional or stronger effect. 


Spark Meter

The Spark Meter is a valuable regenerating resource just like mana, but regenerates at a much slower rate. It is indicated by the top bar above the green health meter. The Spark meter power grants the ability to do two things, Mana Surge and Spark Powers.

At a cost, Mana Surge can be initiated to gain a surge of mana regeneration for a short period. During the time of the Mana Surge, powerful mana-costly spells can be used that would have otherwise been too costly outside of the surge period.

Spark Powers are the Utility abilities of the planeswalkers. They vary and are unique to each of the classes and deal powerful damage. They usually require a full Spark Meter so Spark Powers should be used conservatively and strategically. 


Health Meter

The last meter to keep an eye on would be the health bar which indicates a player's vitality. Sometimes additional health can be seen as a transparent bar on top of the green bar representative of the player's health. A planeswalker like Geomancer can build up temporary health that would help complement hear close range damaging abilities.  



In Magic Legends, players are given the opportunity to build a deck consisting of 12 cards up to two different colors. These cards conjure powerful spells, summons, and buffs that will aid in battle. Once players are out in the field, they will start off with four randomly drawn cards from the deck, and once a card has been activated, another random card will appear and replace the used card. Cards are obtained as rewards, loot, or purchased or given by NPCs, and these cards can be strengthened by collecting a required number of Spell Shards.

These spells can be upgraded and will affect the spells in different ways as they rank up. They have the ability to increase damage dealt, duration, and resistance. 



When building the deck, 12 cards can be chosen from only two color classes of cards. Any colored cards can be chosen regardless of the planeswalker class the player has chosen. However,  planeswalker traits come with their own set of buffs that may make a better combination with its corresponding colored card. Players have up to 12 creature points to use and 12 points divided up between Sorceries, Creatures, and Enchantments. During combat, players will have four spell cards on hand that will cycle as they are used. The deck cannot be modified during combat. 


Spell Classes

Spells are dealt from the different Cards. There are five classes of cards that have traits similar to their respective planeswalker classes. These cards are the main source of abilities and spells and each have their own set of traits. The Card classes are sorted by color, Red, Blue, Green, White and Black Cards that deal the corresponding color spells. Each class has its own set of traits, strengths, and weaknesses. Despite the original colored set a player is dealt with upon choosing their class, any player can use any type of card and could even choose to disregard their starting color class completely once it is collected. 

Red Spells correspond to the Geomancer Planeswalker and use red mana.  Red spells use elemental forces to deal direct damaging spells and effects.

Blue Spells resonate with the Mind Mage Planeswalker and use blue mana. They utilize the power of control and can cloud the minds of enemies which would include stunning or disorienting abilities. 

Green Spells correspond to the Beastcaller and use green mana. They grant players the ability to summon powerful creatures who will aid you in combat

White Spells respond to the Sanctifier Planeswalker and use white mana. They are centered around the essence of light. They contain a lot of restorative abilities that can benefit the player and other allies. 

Black Spells correspond with the Necromancer Planeswalker and uses black mana. They use necromancy that gives the spells the ability to drain life and raise the dead. 


Spell Mechanics

Aside from the Spell Cards' core magic abilities, they sometimes contain additional Spell Mechanics that have additional abilities and effects that can affect the player or enemies. Some of these abilities affect speed, attack speed, damage dealt, damage received, target defense, or grand the ability to stun, disorient, reflect damage and regenerate.  



Players will have six equipment spaces for different gear at a time from headgear, body, hands, and feet gear and some additional accessories. Equipment comes with its own set of buffs and Stat Bonuses that can affect the spells in use during combat. They have different effects and abilities and can add potency to attacks, resistance to a specific type of attack, mana regeneration, spark power regeneration, and a lot of other beneficial effects and abilities. Aside from their core modifier abilities, some of these effects can be modified as they each usually have up to two adaptive modifiers that can be swapped out depending on the player's preferences. These bonuses get stronger as they are upgraded and potentially unlock other bonuses as well. 

Artifacts are sorted into three categories, lesser, greater and legendary. Artifacts also have their own set of Stat Bonuses, abilities and effects that affect spells and combat. As players rank up, different abilities for each artifact are also unlocked.  Like armor, six can be equipped at a time. One legendary artifact, two Greater Artifacts, and three Lessert artifacts to support and add additional buffs to combat.


Regional & World Enchantments

World Enchantments are unlocked as a player levels up and unlocks the different difficulties as well. Increasing the difficulty will add regional and world enchantments, which cause permanent effects in the area and affect the player's combat. A greater difficulty will not only challenge a player, but will reap more valuable rewards

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