White Mana |
Stat Type | Mana |
White Mana is one of the 5 colors of Mana in Magic Legends. Mana is the source of magic that Planeswalkers draw power from, in order to cast powerful Spells to execute Enemies. Mana is displayed as the Mana Meter below the Health bar, which is divided into 12 sections, and colored according to the current Spells in the player's hand.
White Mana Information
- The White Mana is most valued for producing Spells and Abilities that protect and empower allies around the Planeswalker, excelling at the role of a dependable support who heals and shields teammates, and keeps Enemies at bay with Control Effects.
- White Mana Spells focuses on Healing, Control, Protection, Retribution.
White Mana Planeswalker
- The Planeswalker (Class) that best resonates with the magic from White Mana is the Sanctifier.
White Mana Spells
Name |
Rarity |
Effect/s |
Common | Creature - 2/2 Cat Lifelink, Kicker (Press and hold to spend additional mana.) If kicked, you heal for 2,491. Special Ability: Teleport to a foe. If kicked, you heal for 2491. |
Common | Creature - 1/4 Human Soldier On Summon: Stun foes at target location for 4 seconds. Special Ability: Deal 314 damage to a foe and Stun it for 2 seconds. |
Rare | Creature - 1/2 Human Whenever you take damage, this creature gains +1/+1, up to +4/+4. |
Uncommon | Creature - 2/2 Human Soldier On Summon: Stun foes at target location for 4 seconds. Special Ability: Deal 314 damage to a foe and Stun it for 2 seconds. |
Uncommon | Creature - 1/1 Human Soldier Crusader of Odric gains +1/+1 for every other creature you control. |
Common | Creature - 3/3 Human Knight Lifelink (Once per attack, damage dealt by this creature also heals you.) Special Ability: Charge forward and deal 628 damage to foes in a line. |
Uncommon | Creature - 3/2 Spirit On Death: You and your creatures you control gain 2311 shield for 10 seconds. Activated Ability : Sacrifice Faithful Geist. (If this spell enters your hand while you control the creature, it becomes this ability instead.) |
Common | Creature - 1/1 Human Archer Summon 3 Benalish Archers. |
Rare | Creature - 2/2 Human Soldier Other creatures you control gain +1/+1. |
Common | Creature - 4/5 Griffin Special Ability: Deal 628 damage and knock back foes in front of it, then repel backwards. |
Rare | Creature - 4/3 Angel Archer Piercing (Basic projectiles pass through enemies.) Special Ability: Deal 419 damage to foes in a cone. |
Rare | Creature - 2/5 Human Any damage dealt to you is prevented and dealt to this creature instead. |
Uncommon | Creature - 5/4 Angel Lifelink (Once per attack, damage dealt by this creature also heals you.) On Summon: Deals 942 damage to nearby foes. |
Mythic | Creature - 5/5 Angel Activated Ability : Resurrect your strongest dead creature. (If this spell enters your ahdn while you control the creature, it becomes this ability instead.) |
Common | Sorcery - Condition Deal 997 damage and Taunt nearby foes for 10 seconds. |
Uncommon | Sorcery Exile foes at target location for 5.0 seconds. (Exiled creatures cannot act or take damage.) |
Rare | Sorcery - Control Deal 3526 damage and Stun all foes that attacked you while Maintaining this spell for 3 seconds. (For spells with in their cost, press and hold to spend more mana.) Damage and Stun duration increase by up to 100% depending on how much damage was received. |
Rare | Sorcery For 8.0 seconds, your creature with the strongest toughness takes no damage. When this spell ends, it deals damage to foes equal to 50% of the damage that your creature would have taken. |
Rare | Sorcery For 10 seconds, whenever you take damage, heal yourself and nearby allies for 554. |
Common | Sorcery - Control Deal 3544 damage and Stun foes at target location for 4 seconds. |
Uncommon | Sorcery Kicker (Press and hold to spend additional mana.) Create three spirit wells. Whenever a player comes in contact with a spirit well, it is consumed and heals that player for 1046. If kicked, create five spirit wells instead. |
Uncommon | Sorcery - Condition Charge forward, deal 2953 damage, and Taunt foes in front of you for 10 seconds. |
Common | Sorcery For 5 seconds, heal yourself and nearby allies for 2906 every second. |
Common | Sorcery - Control Deal 3256 damage and Stun foes in a line for 4 seconds. |
Rare | Sorcery For 8.0 seconds, creatures you control gain +2/+2. |
Common | Sorcery Heal yourself and creatures you control for 2906. Teleport creatures you control to your location. |
Uncommon | Sorcery You and your creatures you control gain 3851 shield for 10 seconds. |
Mythic | Sorcery For 8.0 seconds, creatures you control gain Retaliate. (Deal their power in damage to their attacker when hit.) |
Common | Sorcery Deal 3977 damage to foes in a cone Critical: Deal 100% additional damage if you have 50% or less health. |
Common | Sorcery Deal 2782 damage to nearby foes. Heal yourself and nearby allies for 2908. |
Uncommon | Sorcery Deal 4578 damage to foes in front of you. Critical: Deals 100% additional damage to foes affected by control effects. |
Uncommon | Sorcery Deal 7382 damage to foes in the area. |
Common | Enchantment For 30 seconds, you have 50% Reflect. (Deal a percentage of incoming damage back to attackers, up to an amount equal to your maximum health.) |
Uncommon | Enchantment For 30 seconds, whenever you cast a sorcery, heal yourself and creatures you control for 968. |
Mythic | Enchantment For 30 seconds, you have Lesser Resistance. Whenever you deal damage to a foe, Taunt that for 6 seconds. (Resistance reduces incoming damage.) |
Rare | Enchantment For 30 seconds, creatures you control gain +1/+1. |
White Mana Stat Bonuses
The following Stat Bonuses will affect White Mana in Combat:
Stat Bonus: | Effect: |
White Mana Resist | Grants damage resistance to sources of White Mana Spells |
White Mana Sorcery Potency | Increases damage output of all White Mana Sorcery Spells |
White Mana Creature Potency | Increases damage output of all White Mana Creatures |
White Mana Creature Health | Increases health of all White Mana Creatures |
White Mana Buff Rating | Buffs duration of White Mana sources |
White Mana Enemies
White Mana Spells and Abilities are most effective against the following Enemies:
- Enemy 1
- Enemy 2
White Mana Notes & Trivia
- Notes, Tips, and Trivia go here
- White Mana Spells and Black Mana Spells are the two only colors that grant the Spells Mechanic, "Lifelink".